The WHITE SHARK PROJECTS Recycle Swop-Shop in Masakhane is now in operation for 2 years – and is still going from strength to strength.
The Recycle Swop Shop was initiated by White Shark Projects in December 20 as an empowerment initiative for children in Gansbaai, and the aim was:
- To clean up the community and teach environmental awareness
- To teach children trading skills
- To teach children the value of working for something
- Help provide basic school supplies to children
The local community has hugely bought into the Swop Shop concept, a local retired
The Recycle Swop-Shop are also bridging a gap between different cultures. Volunteers from overseas that are part of the White Shark Projects Volunteer Shark Programme are assisting at the Recycle Swop-Shop on Tuesdays. For them its truly a touching and culturally enriching experience!
Comments from some volunteers:
“My first swop-shop experience was such a humbling one. It was good to see such a great community project. To see their faces when coming out of the shop… its priceless, such a small thing can mean so much” James Watters – Australia
“I saw a child’s face light up at receiving a pencil once a week whereas a kid back home would turn their noses up at something that doesn’t take batteries. There are also good kids. I saw one little boy pick a packet of ten sweets for his recycling and he gave nine of them away before eating one himself, and other kids sharing their toys and stationary with the ones that didn’t have any recycling this week…”
Dan Hunte - UK
“The Swop Shop really opened my eyes to a need that I was not aware of – the children are so eager to participate and do something! I found being a part of this, even if it was just sorting litter, did change not only my perceptive, but surely my value system too…” Mark Easton - UK
Some interesting facts about the Recycle Swop-Shop is as follows: In 2009 the children of Masakhane brought over 12 tons of recycables to the shop. In the first 2 months of 2010 – with only 5 shop days – they already brought more than 1,5 tons to the shop. This is absolutely great news!
However, the Swop Shop is completely dependant on donations to operate. Donations from all kinds are welcome: from shoes and clothing, to pencils and toothbrushes.
For all at White Shark Projects and associated with the Recycle Swop-Shop – this initiative is really an eye-opener that lies in the responsibility that the children are taking in cleaning up their community; and in the same instance promoting recycling habits.
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